Diemsonn is currently seeking his degree in accounting at the University of Port-Au-Prince. When he is not studying, he likes to read, exercise, listen to music, and watch “how-to” videos on YouTube. He is passionate about his education, believing that it is the key to success.
Diemsonn admires his father for how hard he worked to provide for his family. For years his dad has woken up at 4:00 am and made a long commute to work only to return late in the evening. Diemsonn explains that his father had to work this hard so that he and his 4 siblings would have clothes on their backs, a little money in their pockets, and so that they wouldn’t be hungry. Seeing how much his father has sacrificed, he is determined to pursue a career of his own so that he can help support the family. Your support will give Diemsonn the opportunity to move toward a future that is life-giving for him and his entire family.