John-Make lives with his parents and two younger siblings in a small two-room house. His family previously resided in Cité-Soleil, one of the gang-controlled ghettos in Port-au-Prince, where his father ran a shop out of their home. However, as gang violence escalated a couple of years ago, his father decided to close the business and move the family back to Jeremie, his hometown. With the help of his sister, they found a place to live, but the family arrived destitute, and life has been challenging ever since.
At the time of the move, John-Make was between his sophomore and junior years of high school. Despite the upheaval, his intelligence and adaptability helped him integrate smoothly into his new school in Jeremie. He graduated in 2024 as the top student in his class, which led to his recommendation for a scholarship. John-Make is now pursuing a degree in civil engineering at the University of the Renaissance. He is committed to excelling in his studies so he can provide for his family in the future.