Rose Camille lives in Jeremie with her mother and younger cousin. Although she was born in Jeremie, they moved to Port-au-Prince after she completed middle school, where she then attended high school. Her mother found better opportunities as a street merchant in Port-au-Prince, but escalating violence forced them to return to Jeremie after Rose Camille graduated in 2021. Determined to pursue higher education, Rose Camille’s mother enrolled her daughter in a college, using her savings to pay for the first year. Unfortunately, they later discovered the college was unaccredited, so she was forced to abandon her studies, leaving her without a diploma and their savings depleted. To make ends meet, her mother now sells baked goods, while Rose Camille makes and sells crepes and bracelets. Despite their efforts, they’ve struggled to regain the financial stability they once had in Port-au-Prince.
Now, Rose Camille is studying administrative science at Notre Dame University of Haiti in Jeremie. She dreams of securing an administrative role in a local business or organization after graduation, with the ultimate goal of managing her own business.