Schamscheraï lives with her parents and her brother in a tiny little rental in Jérémie. Her family was living in Port-au-Prince, but they were forced to flee the gang violence, and they ended up settling in Jérémie where they have found a peaceful life. However, neither her father, an electrician, nor her mother, a nurse, have been able to find consistent work. Schamscheraï is a social child who likes to play with her brother and friends. Her mother sees her as a future doctor or nurse because whenever anyone is hurt she is always the first to help. She is an intelligent student who like school and gets good grades.
Charlotte lives with her parents in a rural area near the town of Jeremie. Highly intelligent, at a young age she stands out for her kindness and communication skills. For example, she already speaks excellent French even though many Haitian children are only fluent...